2016 John Deere 7500-A

Marketplace ID: E4DEACDE
Last Updated: 08/18/2021


Equipment Detail

2016 John Deere 7500-A E-Cut Hybrid 102" Fairway Mower


Yanmar 4LTKAC, 1300 hours, hydrostatic drive, 5 reel mowers - Video available send message to request link.

TechControl™ Display locks in performance, and uptime

Set mowing turn speed to reduce scuffing

AutoPedal™ lowers fuel consumption and noise

Proven hybrid design eliminates hydraulics from reel circuit

26x14-12 front tires for proper front weight distribution, and 20x10-8 tires in the rear to distribute the rear weight. Both tires use a turf tread to maximize turf friendliness. They excel in weight distribution providing low ground pressure onto the turf. This provides less tracking, less marking, and less compaction